Version history

This page the release history for the Zulip server. See also the Zulip release lifecycle.

Zulip 5.x series

5.0 -- unreleased

This section is an incomplete draft of the release notes for the next major release, and is only updated occasionally. See the commit log for an up-to-date list of raw changes.


Upgrade notes for 5.0

Full feature changelog

Zulip 4.x series

4.5 -- 2021-07-25

4.4 -- 2021-07-22

4.3 -- 2021-06-02

4.2 -- 2021-05-13

4.1 -- 2021-05-13

4.0 -- 2021-05-13


Upgrade notes for 4.0

Full feature changelog

Zulip 3.x series

3.4 -- April 14, 2021

3.3 -- December 1, 2020

3.2 -- September 15, 2020

3.1 -- July 30, 2020

3.0 -- July 16, 2020


Upgrade notes for 3.0

Full feature changelog

Zulip 2.1.x series

2.1.8 -- 2021-08-11

2.1.7 -- 2020-06-25

2.1.6 -- 2020-06-17

2.1.5 -- 2020-06-16

Upgrade notes for 2.1.5

Administrators of servers originally installed with Zulip 1.9 or older should audit for unexpected organization administrators following this upgrade, as it is possible CVE-2020-14215 caused a user to incorrectly join as an organization administrator in the past. See the release blog post for details.

2.1.4 -- 2020-04-16

2.1.3 -- 2020-04-01

2.1.2 -- 2020-01-16

2.1.1 -- 2019-12-13

2.1.0 -- 2019-12-12


Upgrade notes for 2.1.0

We expect that most Zulip servers can happily just use the normal upgrade process with a few minutes of downtime. Zulip servers with over 1M messages may want to first upgrade to this commit using upgrade-zulip-from-git, following the instructions to avoid downtime, and then upgrade to the new release.

Full feature changelog

Zulip 2.0.x series

2.0.8 -- 2019-12-12

2.0.7 -- 2019-11-21

2.0.6 -- 2019-09-23

2.0.5 -- 2019-09-11

2.0.4 -- 2019-06-29

2.0.3 -- 2019-04-23

2.0.2 -- 2019-03-15

2.0.1 -- 2019-03-04

2.0.0 -- 2019-03-01


Upgrade notes for 2.0.0

Full feature changelog

Zulip 1.9.x series

1.9.2 -- 2019-01-29

This release migrates Zulip off a deprecated Google+ API (necessary for Google authentication to continue working past March 7), and contains a few bug fixes for the installer and Slack import. It has minimal changes for existing servers not using Google authentication.

1.9.1 -- 2018-11-30

This release is primarily intended to improve the experience for new Zulip installations; it has minimal changes for existing servers.

1.9.0 -- 2018-11-07


Upgrade notes for 1.9.0

Full feature changelog

Zulip 1.8.x series

1.8.1 -- 2018-05-07

1.8.0 -- 2018-04-17


Security and privacy: - Several important security fixes since 1.7.0, which were released already in 1.7.1 and 1.7.2. - The security model for private streams has changed. Now organization administrators can remove users, edit descriptions, and rename private streams they are not subscribed to. See Zulip's security model documentation for details. - On Xenial, the local uploads backend now does the same security checks that the S3 backend did before serving files to users. Ubuntu Trusty's version of nginx is too old to support this and so the legacy model is the default; we recommend upgrading. - Added an organization setting to limit creation of bots. - Refactored the authentication backends codebase to be much easier to verify. - Added a user setting to control whether email notifications include message content (or just the fact that there are new messages).

Visual and UI: - Added a user setting to translate emoticons/smileys to emoji. - Added a user setting to choose the emoji set used in Zulip: Google, Twitter, Apple, or Emoji One. - Expanded setting for displaying emoji as text to cover all display settings (previously only affected reactions). - Overhauled our settings system to eliminate the old "save changes" button system. - Redesigned the "uploaded files" UI. - Redesigned the "account settings" UI. - Redesigned error pages for the various email confirmation flows. - Our emoji now display at full resolution on retina displays. - Improved placement of text when inserting emoji via picker. - Improved the descriptions and UI for many settings. - Improved visual design of the help center (/help/).

Core chat experience: - Added support for mentioning groups of users. - Added a setting to allow users to delete their messages. - Added support for uploading files in the message-edit UI. - Redesigned the compose are for private messages to use pretty pills rather than raw email addresses to display recipients. - Added new Ctrl+B, Ctrl+I, Ctrl+L compose shortcuts for inserting common syntax. - Added warning when linking to a private stream via typeahead. - Added support for automatically-numbered Markdown lists. - Added a big warning when posting to #announce. - Added a notification when drafts are saved, to make them more discoverable. - Added a fast local echo to emoji reactions. - Messages containing just a link to an image (or an uploaded image) now don't clutter the feed with the URL: we just display the image. - Redesigned the API for emoji reactions to support the full range of how emoji reactions are used. - Fixed most of the known (mostly obscure) bugs in how messages are formatted in Zulip. - Fixed "more topics" to correctly display all historical topics for public streams, even though from before a user subscribed. - Added a menu item to mark all messages as read. - Fixed image upload file pickers offering non-image files. - Fixed some subtle bugs with full-text search and Unicode. - Fixed bugs in the "edit history" HTML rendering process. - Fixed popovers being closed when new messages come in. - Fixed unexpected code blocks when using the email mirror. - Fixed clicking on links to a narrow opening a new window. - Fixed several subtle bugs with the email gateway system. - Fixed layering issues with mobile Safari. - Fixed several obscure real-time synchronization bugs. - Fixed handling of messages with a very large HTML rendering. - Fixed several bugs around interacting with deactivated users. - Fixed interaction bugs with unread counts and deleting messages. - Fixed support for replacing deactivated custom emoji. - Fixed scrolling downwards in narrows. - Optimized how user avatar URLs are transmitted over the wire. - Optimized message sending performance a bit more. - Fixed a subtle and hard-to-reproduce bug that resulted in every message being condensed ([More] appearing on every message). - Improved typeahead's handling of editing an already-completed mention. - Improved syntax for inline LaTeX to be more convenient. - Improved syntax for permanent links to streams in Zulip. - Improved behavior of copy-pasting a large number of messages. - Improved handling of browser undo in compose. - Improved saved drafts system to garbage-collect old drafts and sort by last modification, not creation. - Removed the legacy "Zulip labs" autoscroll_forever setting. It was enabled mostly by accident. - Removed some long-deprecated Markdown syntax for mentions. - Added support for clicking on a mention to see a user's profile. - Links to logged-in content in Zulip now take the user to the appropriate upload or view after a user logs in. - Renamed "Home" to "All messages", to avoid users clicking on it too early in using Zulip. - Added a user setting to control whether the organization's name is included in email subject lines. - Fixed uploading user avatars encoded using the CMYK mode.

User accounts and invites: - Added support for users in multiple realms having the same email. - Added a display for whether the user is logged-in in logged-out pages. - Added support for inviting a new user as an administrator. - Added a new organization settings page for managing invites. - Added rate-limiting on inviting users to join a realm (prevents spam). - Added an organization setting to disable welcome emails to new users. - Added an organization setting to ban disposable email addresses (I.e.. those from sites like - Improved the password reset flow to be less confusing if you don't have an account. - Split the Notifications Stream setting in two settings, one for new users, the other for new streams.

Stream subscriptions and settings: - Added traffic statistics (messages/week) to the "Manage streams" UI. - Fixed numerous issues in the "stream settings" UI. - Fixed numerous subtle bugs with the stream creation UI. - Changes the URL scheme for stream narrows to encode the stream ID, so that they can be robust to streams being renamed. The change is backwards-compatible; existing narrow URLs still work.

API, bots, and integrations: - Rewrote our API documentation to be much more friendly and expansive; it now covers most important endpoints, with nice examples. - New integrations: ErrBot, GoCD, Google Code-In, Opbeat, Groove, Raygun, Insping, Dialogflow, Dropbox, Front, Intercom,, Flock and Beeminder. - Added support for embedded interactive bots. - Added inline preview + player for Vimeo videos. - Added new event types and fixed bugs in several webhook integrations. - Added support for default bots to receive messages when they're mentioned, even if they are not subscribed. - Added support for overriding the topic is all incoming webhook integrations. - Incoming webhooks now send a private message to the bot owner for more convenient testing if a stream is not specified. - Rewrote documentation for many integrations to use a cleaner numbered-list format. - APIs for fetching messages now provide more metadata to help clients.

Keyboard shortcuts: - Added new "basics" section to keyboard shortcuts documentation. - Added a new ">" keyboard shortcut for quote-and-reply. - Added a new "p" keyboard shortcut to jump to next unread PM thread. - Fixed several hotkeys scope bugs. - Changed the hotkey for compose-private-message from "C" to "x". - Improve keyboard navigation of left and right sidebars with arrow keys.

Mobile apps backend: - Added support for logging into the mobile apps with RemoteUserBackend. - Improved mobile notifications to support narrowing when one clicks a mobile push notification. - Statistics on the fraction of strings that are translated now include strings in the mobile apps as well.

For server admins: - Added certbot support to the installer for getting certificates. - Added support for hosting multiple domains, not all as subdomains of the same base domain. - Added a new nagios check for the Zulip analytics state. - Fixed buggy APNs logic that could cause extra exception emails. - Fixed a missing dependency for the localhost_sso auth backend. - Fixed subtle bugs in garbage-collection of old node_modules versions. - Clarified instructions for server settings (especially LDAP auth). - Added missing information on requesting user in many exception emails. - Improved Tornado retry logic for connecting to RabbitMQ. - Added a server setting to control whether digest emails are sent.

For Zulip developers: - Migrated the codebase to use the nice Python 3 typing syntax. - Added a new /team/ page explaining the team, with a nice visualization of our contributors. - Dramatically improved organization of developer docs. - Backend test coverage is now 95%.

Upgrade notes for 1.8.0

This major release has no special upgrade notes.

Zulip 1.7.x series

1.7.2 -- 2018-04-12

This is a security release, with a handful of cherry-picked changes since 1.7.1. All Zulip server admins are encouraged to upgrade promptly.

Thanks to Suhas Sunil Gaikwad for reporting CVE-2018-9987 and w2w for reporting CVE-2018-9986 and CVE-2018-9990.

1.7.1 -- 2017-11-21

This is a security release, with a handful of cherry-picked changes since 1.7.0. All Zulip server admins are encouraged to upgrade promptly.

This release includes fixes for the upgrade process, so server admins running a version from before 1.7 should upgrade directly to 1.7.1.

1.7.0 -- 2017-10-25



Mobile and Desktop support

Backend and scaling

Upgrade notes for 1.7.0

This change should have no effect for the vast majority of Zulip servers that only have one organization. If you manage a server that hosts multiple organizations, you'll want to read our guide on multiple organizations.

Full feature changelog

Zulip 1.6.x and older

1.6.0 -- 2017-06-06


Full feature changelog

1.5.2 -- 2017-06-01

1.5.1 -- 2017-02-07

1.5.0 -- 2017-02-06


Full feature changelog

1.4.3 - 2017-01-29

1.4.2 - 2016-09-27

1.4.1 - 2016-09-03

1.4.0 - 2016-08-25

1.3.13 - 2016-06-21

1.3.12 - 2016-05-10

1.3.11 - 2016-05-02

1.3.10 - 2016-01-21

1.3.9 - 2015-11-16

1.3.8 - 2015-11-15

1.3.7 - 2015-10-19

Upgrade notes

This section links to the upgrade notes from past releases, so you can easily read them all when upgrading across multiple releases.